Awake in Purple Dreams

 When We Two Parted 

By Lord Byron

Book Blurb 

 A war like no other is on the horizon. 

Having thought that she had finally escaped the past, Bea finds herself hunted down by an unknown enemy who violently rips her life apart.

The harsh changes that follow catapult her on a journey which not only brings personal transformation, but one that marks a new era for two worlds. 

Karma never forgets and until the cycle of a soul is complete, the past will never fade away. 



A young woman finds herself bound by another world's chaos, 

and karma won't let her find peace, not until destiny is completed.

Gabrielle Aplin- Salvation .mp3


Book Two ~ Editing in progress ;o)

Purple is used in three book titles of this series because it symbolises magic and mystery.

It is a rare colour in nature and often seen as having sacred meaning. Lavender, orchid, lilac, and violet flowers are often considered enchanted, sacred, and precious. Purple was the colour of the first synthetic, organic, chemical dye made by man. It was called “Mauveine” and made from coal tar. The recipe was discovered by William Henry Perkin in 1856. There is also Tyrian purple. More HERE

The colour purple or violet is seen as uniting the “wisdom” of blue and the “love” of red, symbolising justice and royalty. Leonardo da Vinci believed that the power of meditation increases ten times when done in a purple light, as in the light of stained glass. Violet is the colour associated with the Crown Chakra. This chakra is the main coordination center of the body and ensures connection to universal sources of energy. The saying “purple haze” refers to euphoria. 

More information on purple HERE ~ HERE ~ HERE   

Awake in Purple Dreams ~ meaning dreaming while awake. In the books, it is a place where reality and dreams meet via a thin mystical veil that joins worlds. Reality becomes blurred and partially substituted by a visionary fantasy experienced while awake. 

All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream ~ Edgar Allan Poe



Fantasy fans will wait eagerly for the next instalment in McCartney’s series, enchanted by the complicated love story and the surprising cliffhanger ending. — Amy Dittmeier HERE

Booklist is a publication of the American Library Association that provides critical reviews of books and audiovisual materials for all ages. Booklist's primary audience consists of libraries, educators, and booksellers. The magazine is available to subscribers in print and online.

Editorial reviews tend to focus on the technical aspects (grammar, formatting, spelling, consistency, punctuation, POV, etc.)  along with the writing craft of the author by an editing professional. Other publishing or media professionals use these assessments when evaluating for works purchasing decisions or for distribution purposes.


Everything is connected. 

Something stirred within her as she felt the truth in Anna’s words, but just to be sure she understood correctly, asked, “The Akashic record is a library?” 

Anna smiled. “Yes, a non-physical library containing all the knowledge of every souls life since before time. Look at it as similar to human technology, the internet, you can't see the connection, yet all the information is available at your fingertips. It works like that, we each have the capability to connect from inside. Only, most humans  haven't learned to unlock the code, yet. Vo-ror-bla is the bright centre of an invisible universal web called Siathia, which weaves and connects all life in existence.” 

~ A Carpet of Purple Flowers (Excerpt ~ 2nd Edition) 

Her little piece of heaven, a place she could visit in dreams and while wide awake.

Beautiful photography by Kassandra aka Elena Vizerskaya.

Removing the Otherworldly veil. 

He cupped her face in his hands. “Now, let me take you on a journey to the place of souls, to your little piece of heaven.” His fingers glided from her face, down her neck to her arm, and then gently grasped her hand. “With your hand in mine, permit me to show you something magical, a place where we will always be able to join with each other, no matter where we are, together or alone. There is no measure of time or distance where we are going, and we will stay grounded to this realm by our physical touch…”

~ A Carpet of Purple Flowers

Photography by Billy Kidd

The purple flowers of Vo-ror-bla / karma that are mentioned in the books, subtly symbolise the flower of life.

What is the flower of life?

The Flower of Life is most likely something that you have seen before. It is a common symbol of many spiritual teachings. It has been found all over the world in many different religions and is one of the oldest sacred symbols known to man. 

Its origins are from sacred geometry and contains all the essential building blocks of the universe called Platonic solids and is found in all ancient civilizations. It is a universal symbol depicting the creation of all existence.

The oldest depiction of the flower of life known to man is at The Temple of Osiris in Abydos, Egypt. A rather interesting depiction of the flower of life is found in The Forbidden City, in Beijing, China. It is in a spherical form underneath the paw of the “Fu-Dog,” or more accurately known as the “Guardian Lion.”Fu-Dogs were considered to be the guardians of knowledge. 

Read more HERE & HERE

Guardians of Knowledge 

Protectors come in many forms. 

Pinterest Boards

Flower of Life HERE

Web of Vo-ror-bla (karma) HERE

  Collage image created via Polyvore 

*The Second Instalment*

 'Awake in Purple Dreams'

How do you grasp a soul?

“Rushing into action, you fail. Trying to grasp things, you lose them.

Forcing a project to completion, you ruin what was almost ripe.

Therefore the Master takes action by letting things take their course. He remains as calm at the end as at the beginning. He has nothing, thus has nothing to lose. 

What he desires is non-desire; what he learns is to unlearn. 

He simply reminds people of who they have always been. He cares about nothing but the Tao. Thus he can care for all things.” 

― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching

It is said that the seat of the soul resides in the heart. Reaching these depths can be dangerous, one must be careful not to get cut on the broken edges of previous hurts. 

To touch the soul, fears of the mind must be conquered and silenced, only then will the light of the inner warrior shine through. 

Know that in this warrior's heart, lies hidden strength. It glows and pulsates with the light of the soul, grasp it, don't let go. Let it guide the way. 

― Tracey-anne

*Keep Your Light Bright*

“Some pain has no relief, it can only be sealed. 

You can grasp the wound to feel the scar unhealed.” 

― Munia Khan

Bethany's nickname is Bea - (once used by her mother as a term of endearment for reason's unknown)

In Latin the meaning of the name Bea (short for Beatrice) is: bringer of joy, she who makes happy, she who brings happiness, which is from beātus (happy, blessed). In the Divine Comedy, Beatrice was Dante's guide through Paradise, to Empyrean. Beatrice is more than a simple muse. She is an idealized love, the kind of love that transcends physicality. 

Empyrean (similar to the Sindria, Calageata), in ancient cosmologies was occupied by the element of fire (or aether (Light) in Aristotle's natural philosophy). It is the dwelling-place of the blessed, celestial beings so divine they are made of pure light, and are the source of light and creation. This paradise is depicted as a series of concentric spheres surrounding the Earth, which includes the Empyrean. 

Calageata is a haven for souls. The entrance is often referred to as Swan-Gate, which represents an ethereal swan-type bird (Benu) in the Otherworld creation story. A sacred bird that could cross time and space on a cosmic sea. 

Sacred Bird of Light

Some stories soak into the threads of the universe, beyond time, becoming echoes of memory lingering in the darkness, like the light of dead stars, whispering light, forever eluding.   

However, there is a secret to access these ancient tales. 

Shall I tell you what the secret is? 

Where all secrets can be found?

In your soul.

Now that you have the key, you need only to find the lock.

What you seek is seeking you ~ Rumi

Artist - Chelsea P - Source Link

Artist - Loui Jover - Source Link

Your hand in mine, remember?

A Love Square or Rectangle.

Love rectangles tend to be more complicated than love triangles. They may be a spin-off from the main love triangle, as a sub-plot. It describes a romantic relationship that involves four people, analogous to the typically three-sided love triangle. Many people use this term for a romantic relationship between two people that is complicated by the romantic attentions of two other people or one person who is complicated by the romantic attentions of three other people, but it is more frequently reserved for relationships where there are more connections. An example of a love rectangle in classic literature is in William Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, between the characters Lysander, Demetrius, Helena, and Hermia. More HERE

In 'A Carpet of Purple Flowers' Series )Books 1 & 2, the love rectangle is composed of: Bea - Chance - Karian - Alithia

The wound is where the light enters you ~ Rumi

                          Jean-Michel Bihorel HERE                            'Flowers of the Soul'

 ***Collage images created via Polyvore ~ Book Inspiration**

(Section of girl with umbrella by Barbara Florczyk of Baxia Art) Purchase print HERE ~ Model HERE

(Section of Lady in water by Alexandros Aidonidis)  HERE

The crow, the deer, and the fox ~ A Children's Story HERE

A story told by Vishnu-Sarma to young princes. Original source: Fables and Proverbs from the Sanskrit, being the Hitopadesa. Charles Wilkins (1787).

I was inspired by the tale and images below and further developed the idea but in a different way, which added an extra little twist to the book ~ Reminds me of The Deisi and The Heaven Stone Warriors way of life/thinking.

Spirit Guides ~ In the shamanic belief everything is alive and carries with it power and wisdom. Shamans believe that everyone has a power animal/animal spirit which attach to individuals adding to their power and protecting them, acting similarly to a guardian angel. Everyone is thought to have a few of these guardian power animals over a lifetime. A particular power animal can help you with an issue that is very specific to you. More HERE

It is said that a Spirit Animal will come to you with a message when you need it.

 Image Source Tommy Pinterest Character Board HERE and Kitty's HERE

Tommy's Songs HERE HERE

 Character Brandon

All image sources, used as inspiration purpose only, can be found on Pinterest storyboards which are unaltered or from           Creative Commons (free use).

All excerpts shown are unedited prior to final proof of manuscript ~ they're only teasers prior to publication. ;o)

 Below: Lamb - What Makes Us Human

By Trine Thielen and Aidan Wood of Life Fire Films

Director: Aidan Wood | Producer: Trine Thielen | Director of Photography: Laurens de Geyter | Designer: Caner Salmanli

Elemental Sindria of Calageata

Image Source Board HERE

Humans think of us as angels, as goddesses, or the fae of old, but our origins are far more ancient than any terminology of earth. We are the first light of creation, guides of souls, and nurturers of the high paradise realm some know as heaven. 

Tell me, what makes you human?

Your outer skin is but a fine coat woven from an earth mother's womb. 

Remove the cloth skin and...

we are light, 
we are one, 
they, you, and I


"All organic matter containing carbon was produced originally in stars."

"We are a way for the universe to know itself. Some part of our being knows this is where we came from. We long to return. And we can, because the cosmos is also within us. We're made of star stuff." 

~ Sagan 

Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our bodies, as well as atoms of all other heavy elements, were created in previous generations of stars over 4.5 billion years ago. Because humans and every other animal, as well as most of the matter on Earth contain these elements, we are literally made of star stuff, said Chris Impey, professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona. So, all life on Earth and the atoms in our bodies were created in the furnace of now-long-dead stars.

A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" 

"Do the stars gaze back? Now, that's a question.” 

― Neil Gaiman, Stardust

The Mists of Calageata

The veil amongst the first stars.

Awake in Purple Dreams

“Silently, one by one, in the infinite meadows of heaven, Blossomed the lovely stars, the forget-me-nots of the angels.” 

― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The First Star & Flower of Life ~ Art by Capstoned on DeviantArt.

“Not just beautiful, though--the stars are like the trees in the forest, alive and breathing. And they're watching me.” 

― Haruki Murakami

Art by Silvia Cordedda

“Yours is the light by which my spirit's born: - you are my sun, my moon, and all my stars.” 

― E.E. Cummings

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.” 

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

 The Port of Menteith Area - Scotland

Folklore: Bogle Knowe is a hill traditionally seen as a fairy abode and on the Southern shore of the lake, opposite the Priory, is a long finger of land called Arnmach, said to be built by the Sith/Sidhe.  

It is said that an ancient Earl of that place, intrigued by the legends of their race, read a magic tome releasing them into the world. The greatest of the Sidhe possessions was a well. A sacred spring whose waters were prized for its great healing powers. Every evening a local girl, a maiden, was charged to watch over the spring. She would climb the crag and ensure the stoppers on the sluices of the well were safe and secure, so none of the precious waters would be lost. More Here


Play the above MP3 link to hear a ballard called 'Keep your light bright' 

~ created via the background of spiritual ideas I had for the initial trilogy

Inspired by "The Song of Amergin" -  

(more details are below with lyrics)

I didn't want to over complicate the main story and was unable to put all of the world that I've created 
with it's technicalities in the book. Instead, I will be adding some extra pieces that I have written on the 
 book edit pagesIt will explain more of the characters world/philosophies. 
A little taster of some concepts are lower down on the page (past the lyrics).

The ballard 'Keep your light bright' represents the ancient art of storytelling via poetry/music.
It is a derivation of "The Song of Amergin" from 'A Carpet of Purple Flowers' perspective. 
A man laments his lover, twin flame, who he see's in all things, past, present, and future. 

The Song of Amergin, considered to be one of the oldest Irish literary works, reflecting the victorious spirit of the Milesians, who were among the original settlers in Ireland. It also captures an ancient human aspiration that colours future Celtic folklore and literature, namely, the identification of the bard or storyteller with the inner life of his subject matter or in shamanic terms, the ability to shapeshift into the spirit of other created things.

Sung by Addison Rice - please take the time to visit his WEBSITE

Thank you.
(lyrics below) 

Keep your light bright'

She has been a deer of seven times, observing the realm through nature's heart
I have been a rush of water across the plain
She has whispered in the winds across the stream
I am a glistening droplet from the source of light
She has been a swan upon the island in the lake

Keep your light bright
So that I might see through the mists,
and once again we can look upon a carpet of purple flowers
Keep your light bright
So that our souls may meet again in your little piece of heaven
Keep your light bright

She has been on a visual journey, between the parted veil of both our worlds
She is a goddess within the flowers mists
I am a blue flicker of hope that rises in her horizon
She and I are the gentle ripples in the well of souls
She is the sacred mound in which the secrets lay
Well I am a Crow, a guardian of the knowledge within

Keep your light bright
So that I may see through the mists,
and once again we can look upon a carpet of secret flowers
Keep your light bright
So that our souls may meet again in your little piece of heaven
Keep your light bright

I am the voice in the breaking waves
She is an instrument of the moon and her tides
I am one of the keepers of the unhewn stone
She is an encapsulated flower, prior to birth
She is my guiding light, high in the heavens

Keep your light bright
So that I might see through the mists,
and once again we can look upon a carpet of purple flowers
Keep your light bright
So that our souls may meet again in your little piece of heaven
Keep your light bright

I am the Agnaya... the protector
She is the Aniya... the light within
We all, reside within... the web of Vororbla
We all exist within... the Siarthia
We all, within, are Ameusouya... you and me, us - one

Lyrics by Tracey-anne, performed by Addison Rice

Lyrical metaphors explained

The Agnaya (Ag-naya) means male energy (Yang)
The Aniya (A-niya) means female energy (Yin)
Siarthia (Siar-thia) means Akashic Record -
A compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane. 
Ameusouya ( Am-e-us-ou-ya ) means complete/whole (you, me, us, =one)
Vororbla means soul / karmic cycle.
Secret flower - The flower of Vororbla (of karma)- is called Voror. A secret, sacred flower 
that produces a carpet of purple flowers in the beautiful, otherworldly gardens of Calageata.  
In Norse mythology, a vǫrðr ("warden," "watcher" or "caretaker") is a warden spirit, 
believed to follow from birth to death the soul of every person. 
At times, the warden can reveal itself as a small light or in the shape of a being - known as the elemental Sindria.

A Carpet of Purple Flowers - A sacred area, garden of another world that ethereal beings roam, known as Calageata. 
A purple flower represents spirituality and mysticism. 

Goddess within the flowers mists - female soul, the feminine energy.

Unhewn stone - The Heaven Stone (ancient teachings/untouched, not finished in form, non-corrupt knowledge)

Her little piece of heaven - visual meditation  (Book one). 
Usually a place of unseen existence where souls and deities reside, outside of the tangible world. 
Human beings associate this otherworldly place with many names, but Bea calls it heaven.

Blue flicker of hope on her horizon - light of sacred connection, of hope and promise.

Sacred mound -  the body where ancient knowledge lays within. 

Ripples in the well of souls - Souls returning home (via magical waters) ~ a lake in Calageata. 

Crow guardian - A protector with knowledge.
The crow carries the power of prophetic insight and symbolizes the void or core of creation. The crow is seen in many shamanic traditions as the spirit animal of choice for those who use magic and have the power to manipulate the law of the physical universe.

Moon (her) Water (him) - Neither can find their balance without each others guidance.
The moon is considered a luminary but produces no light by her own accord. She is reliant upon the sun's (male) light to reflect (mirror) her image to earthly eyes. Water is affected by the moon. 

Deer - Spirit animal, highly sensitive, has strong intuition. 
Magical ability to regenerate, in touch with life’s mysteries.

Seven - Sacred number (Heaven Stone) seven heavens/stages to spiritual growth.

Parted veil To create an opening between two worlds. 

Encapsulated flower, prior to birth - Soul energy awaiting renewal. Encapsulation means that the internal representation of an object that is generally hidden from view. A closed, encapsulated Voror flower represents the time before enlightenment. 
A Voror flower fully bloomed and open represents full enlightenment and self-awareness.

Whispered in the winds - Where mythical people supposedly once lived "beyond the North Wind".
(More about these histories in book four - The butterfly bridge & Women of the Sea).

Mists - A mist emitted via the purple (soul) flower in Calageata. 
A cloud of tiny water (otherworldly dew) droplets suspended in the atmosphere which limits visibility.

Glistening droplet - Shield of dew mist, look further to the light beyond.

Guiding light high in the heavens - The birth of a star  (a soul). 
The guiding light cannot be extinguished and represents an aspect of the truth that you carry with you.

Swan - relates to Calageata and the past histories.

The YouTube LINK to Addison Rice singing ~ Keep Your Light Bright

~The sound quality is lowered by wind, but the MP3 is available to listen to, further up this page. 

Lauri Blank

 Adapted image (Original by Lauri Blank)

Twin Flames (Link)

 Ameusouya ( Am-e-us-ou-ya ) means complete/whole (you, me, us ~ one)

 The Agnaya (Ag-naya) means male energy (Yang)  &  The Aniya (A-niya) means female energy (Yin)

Anam Cara refers to the Celtic spiritual belief of souls connecting and bonding. 

In Celtic Spiritual tradition, it is believed that the soul radiates all about the physical body, what some refer to as an aura. When you connect with another person and become completely open and trusting with that individual, your two souls begin to flow together. Should such a deep bond be formed, it is said you have found your Anam Cara or soul friend. 

Your Anam Cara always accepts you as you truly are, holding you in beauty and light. In order to appreciate this relationship, you must first recognize your own inner light and beauty.

"Anam Cara, a mostly forgotten ancient and eternal union that cuts across all barriers of time, convention, philosophy and definition. A joint spiritual arrival at that most sacred place: home."

As an artist and writer, I love to share with people where I draw my inspiration. Maybe it helps in understanding the many layers that exist beneath a story. Like a painting, where each creative stroke will cover the previous until finally, the picture presents itself as a whole. 

Each person will see/experience something different via the same story, and right there... is the magic. 

Who was Amergin?

Amergin was a Bard of the Milesians, lays claim to the Land of Ireland.

The Milesians had to win the island by engaging in battle with the three kings of the Tuatha Dé Danann, their druids and warriors. Amergin acted as an impartial judge for the parties, setting the rules of engagement. The Milesians agreed to leave the island and retreat a short distance back into the ocean beyond the ninth wave, a magical boundary. Upon a signal, they moved toward the beach, but the druids of the Tuatha Dé Danann raised a magical storm to keep them from reaching land. However, Amergin sang an invocation calling upon the spirit of Ireland that has come to be known as The Song of Amergin, and he was able to part the storm and bring the ship safely to land. 

Some of the early medieval Welsh poems on mythological themes attributed to the 6th century poet Taliesin in the Book of Taliesin have similarities to those attributed to Amergin.


The Tuath(a) Dé Danann (usually translated as "people(s)/tribe(s) of the goddess Danu"), also known by the earlier name Tuath Dé ("tribe of the gods"), are a race of supernaturally-gifted people in Irish mythology. 

The people known as "The Sidhe" or people of the mounds, or "The Lordly Ones" or "The Good People" were descended from the "Tuatha de Danann" who settled in Ireland millennia ago.

They came from four cities to the north of Ireland–Falias, Gorias, Murias and Finias–where they acquired their magical skills and attributes. 

The aos sí (Irish pronunciation: "ees shee", older form aes sídhe), "ays sheeth-uh") is the Irish term for a supernatural race in Irish mythology and Scottish mythology, (usually spelled Sìth, however pronounced the same) comparable to the fairies or elves. 

This world is described in the Book of Invasions (recorded in the Book of Leinster) as a parallel universe in which the aos sí walk amongst the living. In the Irish language, aos sí means "people of the mounds" (the mounds are known in Irish as "the sídhe"). In Irish literature the people of the mounds are also called daoine sídhe ; in Scottish mythology they are daoine sìth. They are variously said to be the ancestors, the spirits of nature, or goddesses and gods.

"The Song of Amergin" from Bea's perspective

I have been a deer of seven times, observing the realm through nature's heart
He has been a rush of water across the plain
I have whispered in the winds across the stream
I am a glistening droplet from the source of light
I have been a swan upon the island in the lake
I have been on a visual journey, amid a carpet of purple flowers
I am a goddess within the flowers mists

He is a blue flicker of hope that rises in my horizon
He and I are the gentle ripples in the well of souls
I am the sacred mound in which secrets lay
He is a crow, a guardian of the knowledge within
He has been the voice in the breaking waves

I am an instrument of the moon and her tides
He is one of the keeper's of the unhewn stone
I am an encapsulated flower, prior to birth
He is the guiding light, high in the heavens

He is, the Agnaya, the protector
I am the Aniya, the light within

We all reside within the web of Vororbla
We all exist within the Siarthia
We all, within, are Ameusouya, you, me... us ~ one

Original source by Wild Whim Photography - WEBSITE 

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