Book Series

Please, click on the links below to take you into the individual world of the books. 
Book Two
Future Release
The concluding part of 'ACoPF'


Emily and The Woods - Steal His Heart.mp3

The Writing Process

I'm a planner, which means that the storylines and major plots are all worked out prior to the first draft. Yup, before I even start to write, visuals play over in my mind like a movie, and mentally scenes / cast characters are played out. I then scribble notes, research, and finally, once it feels right, the story starts to come to life on the page as I get typing. 

The outlining of each chapter are the first physical steps I take towards creating the novel, brief paragraphs of what happens for a guideline. Eventually, a bare-bone first draft is created, by that I mean, a basic story, no frills, no edits, and from this point, everything must be fleshed out. This is when I add more description, such as what a place looks like, the clothing details, basically adding all those things which can slow down the flow when writing the first draft. 

Scraps of papers, folders, and journals are my universe in a book bible format, and I refer to them frequently. You can read more about 'The Book Bible', concerning storing details HERE. :o) 

Hopefully this gives you a bit more of an insight to me as a writer and person. 

At some point I would love to write novellas to accompany the main books - A novella is a work of written, fictional, narrative prose normally longer than a short story but shorter than a novel. They are generally thought to be between around 20,000 and 40,000 words in length (roughly a third to half of a novel's size). 

  • Kitty's Story ~ The Missing Years
  • The Deisi Origins ~ Their story
  • The Heaven Stone Teachings and The Sindria
  • Jonathan's Story
I'm working on a collected work of Haiku related to the books in 'A Carpet of Purple Flowers' Series. 
  • Character and place related ~ Book of Haiku

Thank you for taking the time to visit me here. 

               Love and light, Trace. :o)

 Inspiration boards via Pinterest

Okay, I admit it, I'm a bit of overzealous pinner. Shh...Don't tell anyone.  ;o) 

Visual Storyboards

Book Mood Boards
Mood Theme Boards
Character Boards

'No matter what form your soul takes, there are consequences for ones actions in which time has no relevance –

 we call it karma, they call it Vororbla - Tracey-anne.

Are you inspired too?
Is your own story starting to come to life?

Follow that dream! Don't hold back - GO FOR IT... now, today - just make a start, there is no better time than now ;o)

 Below are a few of my favourite boards. They always bring a smile to my heart ;0)

Wonderful & Inspiring Extras, just because.

Spacedrum by Yuki Koshimoto.

I absolutely love this idea - so beautiful. 

Inspiration that I had to share.

David Kuckhermann

Royal Albert Hall - Opening for Dead Can Dance

 Click on the pictures to take you to the website.

Spacedrum Website France 

Cyan to Purple "Color Shift" Paint

With Lotus Flower Zen Tambour.

Sympathetic resonance is a harmonic phenomenon wherein a formerly passive note responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness. If two notes are tuned to the same frequency, and one is struck, the other (non-struck) one will respond.

Create your own beautiful music in a variety of pentatonic scales, custom finishes, colors and artwork with Zen Tambour by Steve "Spike" Finch. The sound depth, artwork and finish of your drum is completely customizable. The Zen Tambour creates music that is tranquil, hypnotic and zen.

As an artist, Spike feels that the art on each drum should be as unique as it sounds.  Spike has built on the "Tank Drum" idea which was invented by Dennis Havlena. He felt that the artist should be able to pick not only the scale and sound depth, but also how the drum looks. Spike built the layout this way to make the drums easy to play. One can play the scale so fast that it could sound like a harp.

Each drum is internally dampened to stop the tank "ring" and let the notes come alive. The amount of dampening is done on a drum to drum basis. When the dampening is finished, a solid wood plug is installed in the drum to increase the volume and give it a warmer tone.

How to play:

The best way to play your drum is to sit in your favorite chair and place the drum in your lap. If you are playing your drum on a hard surface, place a small towel or pillow under the drum to keep the resonance within the drum. Rotate the drum until the largest note is at the lower left. It does not matter what finger you use to strike the notes. When striking the notes, it's not about how hard your hit them, but more about how fast you get your fingers off the notes. Think how you would react to touching a hot stove with your finger tips thats the action your want. When starting out some people find it useful to use mallets or drumsticks with a soft large tip. Spike has found that it sounds good if you use multiple rubber bands around the mallet. 

The Hang Instrument

The Hang ( plural form: Hanghang) is a musical instrument in the idiophone class created by Felix Rohner and Sabina Schärer in Bern, Switzerland. The name of their company is PANArt Hangbau AG.