Lyrical metaphors explained
The Agnaya (Ag-naya)
means male energy
(Yang) The Aniya (A-niya) means female energy
(Yin) A compendium of mystical knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane.
that produces a carpet of purple flowers in the beautiful, otherworldly gardens of Calageata.
In Norse mythology, a vǫrðr ("warden," "watcher" or "caretaker") is a warden spirit,
believed to follow from birth to death the soul of every person.
At times, the warden can reveal itself as a small light or in the shape of a being - known as the elemental Sindria.
A Carpet of Purple Flowers - A sacred area, garden of another world that ethereal beings roam, known as Calageata.
A purple flower represents spirituality and mysticism.
Goddess within the flowers mists - female soul, the feminine energy.
Unhewn stone - The Heaven Stone (ancient teachings/untouched, not finished in form, non-corrupt knowledge)
Her little piece of heaven - visual meditation (Book one).
Usually a place of unseen existence where souls and deities reside, outside of the tangible world.
Human beings associate this otherworldly place with many names, but Bea calls it heaven.
Blue flicker of hope on her horizon - light of sacred connection, of hope and promise.
Sacred mound - the body where ancient knowledge lays within.
Ripples in the well of souls - Souls returning home (via magical waters) ~ a lake in Calageata.
Crow guardian - A protector with knowledge.
The crow carries the power of prophetic insight and symbolizes the void or core of creation. The crow is seen in many shamanic traditions as the spirit animal of choice for those who use magic and have the power to manipulate the law of the physical universe.
Moon (her) Water (him) - Neither can find their balance without each others guidance.
The moon is considered a luminary but produces no light by her own accord. She is reliant upon the sun's (male) light to reflect (mirror) her image to earthly eyes. Water is affected by the moon.
Deer - Spirit animal, highly sensitive, has strong intuition.
Magical ability to regenerate, in touch with life’s mysteries.
Seven - Sacred number (Heaven Stone)
seven heavens/stages to spiritual growth.
Parted veil - To create an opening between two worlds.
Encapsulated flower, prior to birth - Soul energy awaiting renewal. Encapsulation means that the internal representation of an object that is generally hidden from view. A closed, encapsulated Voror flower represents the time before enlightenment.
A Voror flower fully bloomed and open represents full enlightenment and self-awareness.
(More about these histories in book four - The butterfly bridge & Women of the Sea).
Mists - A mist emitted via the purple (soul) flower in Calageata.
A cloud of tiny water (otherworldly dew) droplets suspended in the atmosphere which limits visibility.
Glistening droplet - Shield of dew mist, look further to the light beyond.
Guiding light high in the heavens - The birth of a star (a soul).
The guiding light cannot be extinguished and represents an aspect of the truth that you carry with you.
Swan - relates to Calageata and the past histories.